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Ticket prices


single ticket


10.50 € p.p.
children > 4 - 14 years
7.50 € p.p.
children > under 4 years
family ticket > 2 adults + up to 3 children
34.00 € (at the box office)

GROUP-TICKETS (from 20 persons)
10.00 € p.p.
children > 4 - 14 years
7.00 € p.p.
children > under 4 years

► The ticket entitles you to a guided tour in one of the dripstone caves.
► Reduced admission on presentation of a valid ticket booklet from Stadt Oberharz am Brocken and its partner communities (only when purchasing tickets at the box office). Note the postings at the cash desks of the dripstone caves of Rübeland.
► Please also note our General Terms and Conditions, which regulate, among other things, the procedure in the event of a delay or cancellation.

! From January 16, 2024 we will reward travel by public transport!

Read HERE to find out what discounts await you and what you need to keep in mind.

Audio guide for download

on your own smartphone

There is now an audio guide solution in German and English for visiting the Hermanns Cave without a guide. An English-language audio guide is also available for our guests from all over the world to take part in a guided tour of the Baumanns Cave. What do you need for this? An internet-enabled smartphone and your own headphones (if you have them).
For more information on purchasing and how it works, click HERE.


Audio guide                                   1.00 €*

Headphones                                   1.50 €
(3,5 mm jack connection)

Audio guide incl. headphones 2.50 €

*price per cave


"Himmel & Höhle"

adults  15.00 € p. p. instead of 18.00 €
4 - 14 years      
 9.50 € p. p. instead of 12.50 €
group discount not possible

► Only available at the cash desks of the dripstone caves of Rübeland or in the visitor center.
► included services:
1x entrance to the cave with a guided tour
1x entrance to the suspension bridge Titan
► redemption option: 
suspension bridge only on the day of purchase
dripstone caves 2 days from purchase                                                        

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